Local And Remote Entry Processing
Remote Location Filing (RLF) allows approved Customs brokers or importers to submit electronic entry data for clearance from a location other than the port of arrival. RLF was created as one of the Customs Modernization Act provisions enacted in December 1993. Approved importers and brokers transmit electronic entry data via the Automated Broker Interface (ABI) to RLF-trained CBP ports. This transaction includes an electronic invoice when requested. RLF may be used for processing entries
Regal brokers can submit your entries locally and remotely with our highly advanced CBP software.
ACH Statement Processing
The electronic payment option that allows participants to pay, and/ or receive refunds of CBP duties, taxes and fees electronically.
FDA Processing
Some clearance and release delays have been associated with the national rollout of PREDICT, a component of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) automated system intended to assess the risk of FDA regulated commodities. Regal Customs Brokers are working with FDA at local, regional, and national levels to improve processing and speed releases for these shipments Under PREDICT a low risk shipment with all required data present is more likely to receive a fast, fully automated release; shipments with higher risk scores and/or missing data are more likely to be delayed while secondary, manual reviews take place.
Under PREDICT the FDA requires �Affirmation of Compliance� codes for certain commodities in order to receive a fully automated release. Affirmation of Compliance codes primarily apply to medical devices, electronic components, medical and non-medical radiation-emitting products, and parts and components of these commodities. The most recent data from FDA show medical devices and drugs have the lowest rate of fully automated release
FDA Prior Notice
Since December 12, 2003, prior notice must be provided for all food for humans and animals that is imported or offered for import into the United States (Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR), Part 1, Subpart I). Prior notice can be provided in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP, formerly the U.S. Customs Service) is modifying the ABI and ACE systems to allow prior notice to be submitted to FDA through the existing interface between CPB the Customs broker and FDA.
Fish & Wildlife Clearance / Cites /Permit Services
You must file a Declaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlife form 3-177 with us at an authorized port of entry and receive clearance from us before U.S. Customs releases your shipment.
While foreign regulatory systems need not be identical to the U.S. system, they must employ equivalent sanitary and health measures that provide the same level of protection achieved domestically for imported goods. Regal brokers will facilitate your USDA paperwork and meet PQat the designated exam site for inspection.
Passenger Clearance
If you have a passenger coming in to the NY area, and is carrying high valued merchandise, we can clear him through customs so the merchandise will not be seized for payment of duties.
If your laptop computer was made in Japan�for instance�you might have to pay duty on it each time you bring it back into the United States, unless you could prove that you owned it before you left on your trip. Documents that fully describe the item�such as sales receipts, insurance policies, or jeweler’s appraisals�are acceptable forms of proof.
To make things easier, you can register certain items with CBP before you depart� including watches, cameras, laptop computers, firearms, and CD players�as long as they have serial numbers or other unique, permanent markings. Take the items to the nearest CBP office and request a Certificate of Registration for Personal Effects Taken Abroad (CBP Form 4457). It shows that you had the items with you before leaving the United States and all items listed on it will be allowed duty-free entry. This is also pertains to freight you will export and then re-import.
Tariff Ruling Requests
Tariff classification can be very complex for certain goods. The advance ruling ensures that the tariff classification number used is deemed correct by the U.S. Customs. The ruling is binding until it is revoked or amended. The advance ruling provides certainty to the importer, or his or her representative, as to how goods are to be classified and thereby facilitates the documentation requirements for clearing goods at theports or entry.
Importer Security Filing
U.S. Customs has announced a new rule, known as the Importer Security Filing (ISF) or more commonly called 10+2; which requires cargo information, for security purposes, to be transmitted to the agency at least 48 hours before goods are loaded onto an ocean vessel for shipment into the U.S. 10+2 is pursuant to section 203 of the Safe port act and requires importers to provide 10 data elements to CBP, as well as 2 more data elements from the carrier.
U.S. Customs Fines And Penalty
It is common for an importer to receive a CPB form 28 (Request for Information) and then a CBP Form 29 (Notice of Action) for incorrectly classifying merchandise. It is also relatively common for an importer to receive a Pre-Penalty Notice from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (Customs) alleging negligence, gross negligence, or fraud, and demanding tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in monetary penalties and additional duties. Don’t panic, Regal brokers will handle the situation and communicate and negotiate with customs.
Import And Export Carnets
Carnets, commonly known as �Merchandise Passports�, are international customs documents that simplify customs procedures for the temporary importation of various types of goods. In the U.S., two types are issued: ATA and TECRO/AIT Carnets.
ATA Carnets ease the temporary importation of commercial samples (CS), professional equipment (PE), and goods for exhibitions and fairs (EF). They facilitate international business by avoiding extensive customs procedures, eliminating payment of duties and value-added taxes (minimum 20% in Europe, 27% in China), and replacing the purchase of temporary import bonds.
TECRO/AIT Carnets, used between the U.S. and Taiwan only, appear similar to, and serve the same function as the ATA Carnet. TECRO/AIT Carnets result from a bilateral agreement between the US and Taiwan, covering only commercial samples (CS), and professional equipment (PE). Merchandise entering countries in addition to Taiwan may also be accompanied by an ATA Carnet.